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These Dreams Might Find Their Way Into My Everyday Scene

23 August 2011

Several our friends moved away this summer. I guess that is what happens when you live in a college town.  Part of me is happy for them though.  They are moving on to the next phase of their lives, and I just think that is so exciting!  I can't wait until we move too!  I know I will miss a lot of things about Rexburg when we do finally move (in December) its been home for 4 years!  but I really am excited to leave/  The only thing is, is that we have NO idea where we are going yet! California? Utah? North Carolina? HAWAII???  who knows?! okay probably not Hawaii any time soon, but I can always dream!  :)

Summer is going by quickly!  Jared has been busy working like a mad man trying to get in as many hours as possible, but I love that when he is home, he is HOME with no school work to keep him busy, so we get to do lots of fun things!

 We hiked "R Mountain" and let Bauer swim in the Snake River this week, which was really fun :)

Jared and I spoke in church on Sunday!  Our talks went well, and were actually kind of fun to give, because we weren't nervous. We didn't have time to be! Kyler recently learned how to crawl, and was in to everything (including the papers for my talk)! He no longer likes to sit on our laps in church and listen, he likes to go exploring!  At one point in church, Kyler crawled over to the bishop, sat on his foot, and farted. very LOUDLY.  hahahaha  he is such a b-o-y.  

I know I already said this once on facebook, but a lot of my fam doesn't have facebook, so I will tell it again:
Earlier this week, we walked into Kyler's room to wake him up from his find him already awake! Quietly sitting up and entertaining himself.  As I walked closer, I smelled something funny and realized what he was entertaining himself with.  HE FIGURED OUT HOW TO TAKE OFF HIS DIAPER....and yes, was playing with poo.  He smeared it everywhere. All over his sheets and bumper, all over his face, and between his toes...AHHH he is 9 months old, how did he figure out how to take it off?! 

but then I read this blog: Mr. and Mrs Barnard and now I don't feel quite so bad :)

Baby Hands Constantly Moving

16 August 2011

Kyler is 9 months old today! Has he really been ours for 9 whole months?

Just a few facts about this little boy lately:

-He LOVES to make messes. He will take all of his toys out of the box and spread them around the room, and then he won't even play with them. He likes to play with things that aren't really toys, like my phone.
-ANYTHING he gets ahold of goes instantly into his mouth. This kid loves to eat! I guess that one is pretty apparent... lol  but he surprisingly still doesn't have any teeth!
-His new favorite word is Dada (doesn't know what it means yet) but still loves to say it!
-When Kyler is really excited, his hands will wiggle non stop! It's really cute. Jared did the same thing with his hands when he was a baby too.

Vacay with the fam

01 August 2011

It has been a week full of events! Jared FINALLY finished the semester, and with all A's too! That's my honey! As soon as we could leave  Rexburg, we drove to Jareds family's cabin! 

My niece and 2 of my nephews (and their friend)
It was so much fun!  We went 4wheeling, played games and watched movies with the fam! ....but then Kyler got sick, and because we were out of state, the only place our insurance would cover was the ER.

So to the hospital we went!
Ky's first time in the hospital (besides his birth...)
He was diagnosed with acute bronchitis and a viral rash.  Poor baby.  
He was given meds and a few days later... he was all better!

After the cabin we visited some other family, and went mini golfing and saw Harry Potter 7 part 2 at the Imax in 3D. 
It was awesome. 

Then, Kyler and I flew across the country, for my fam's reunion, and here I am today!  Jared unfortunately couldn't come, because tickets were too expensive for both of us to go  :(

My parents have a beach house.
It has been SOOOO fun.  Today I went surfing, and saw 8 dolphins!
Kyler loves the beach too.

It is really hot and humid here, so most of the time he chills in the shade with his cousin Carmella
Kyler 8 months.  Carmella 6 months.
On my side of the family, there are 7 grand-kids ages 4 and under.  Today we tried to take a picture of them all together.  It was pretty funny. (they all kept crying)

We finally resorted to bribing them with candy. haha it worked!

Kyler was actually semi-cooperating, so I snapped a few pics of him down at the beach.

We are having fun at the beach, but I sure can't wait to get home and see Jared, and Bauer, and sleep in my own bed!