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He'll Only Be Two Once...right?

22 April 2013

This past weekend we had a huge muddle (I meant to write mud puddle bahaha) on our driveway. Of course Kyler ran straight towards it the second we got outside. I was about to yell "KYLER STOP!!!" but then the thought came into my head that he will only be two once, and pretty soon he won't want to play in the mud.

Kyler had a blast getting messy:
I had a very difficult time trying to get him to look at me for a picture

I tried flipping the camera on my phone around (he likes to look at himself) to get a picture of his face, and it worked!

My mommy "thoroughly entertained but grossed out" face in the background. lol

 I literally carried him straight inside and dumped him in the tub with his shoes and clothes still on. I had to refill the tub about 10 times to get him squeaky clean, but it was worth it to see him have so much fun!

Then of course after all is said and done this picture of my husband playing in the mud in his COLLEGE days comes into my mind. I guess boys never grow out of playing in the mud :p


  1. What a mess! But, what fun!
    My little man is the same way. Though the mess isn't so much to clean up seeing him play and discover is worth an extra bath and load of laundry! :)

  2. So cute Char! Just hopped over to your blog from somewhere and my Drew is just a couple months behind your Kyler! Kyler seems like he's such a ham and I can't wait to follow along and read more about him. Hope you'll stop by and follow back!


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