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Some pretty darn cute cousins!

09 April 2014

Poor Kyler's face is still a little pale from being sick yesterday, but at least we were able to snap a few pictures of the cousins with out him pouting too bad (he didn't want to cooperate).

Charley also was sick is this picture, and Dani was sick a few days ago. Don't you love family vacations when everyone gets sick? hah. Still fun though!

Getting little kids to hold still for pictures is near impossible. Here's an awesome picture of Kyler's pouting face. He hates forced posed pictures (and apparently baby Gemma does too!).

I read this article awhile back on how to take good pictures of kids (obviously I don't actually follow any of those tips.... LOL ) but maybe you will... and will get some fantastic looking pictures!

Anyways, my favorite pictures are always the spur of the moment type like this one:


  1. Kyler is so adorable!! Tell him Sis. Estes says hi, and I miss him.

  2. Gaaah! Cute kids! :3

    BTW, would you like to follow each other? Followed you on GFC. :)

    Katherine @ Nested Thoughts

  3. haha cute! Gemma just LOVES being held all awkwardly in the freezing wind...


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