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Twins. Four Months.

13 April 2015

I absolutely love these four month old twins. They are smiley and giggly and chubby and scrumptious!

Her first time touching our dog in her life -hah- and only because we just bathed him and he was soft and fluffy :)

Lyla is 13 lbs 12oz (50%) and Ryan is 13 lbs 7oz (25%) They giggled a lot for their doc!

Height Lyla is 50% and Ryan is 25% and head circumference Lyla's is 50% and Ryan's is 5%.

They started holding hands this week almost every time I put them down next to each other... it's too cute!


  1. Oh, Char!!! They are so precious. I love the holding hand pictures, it just warms a mother's heart. They look so strong and beautiful. Good job Momma

  2. The hand holding is too too cute!!


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