Someone has been a little grumpy lately…haha
The twins and Cousin Wendi…2 years later! It's hard to tell from the pics because she is bending her legs and they aren't lined up evenly... but Wendi is actually slightly bigger than both Ryan and Lyla now!
Lyla's baby curls are starting to grow out and it's the saddest thing ever :(
Kyler is still taking swim lessons. He has improved so much! He was terrified to get his face wet before, but now he will jump in and get the rings off of the pool floor!
Can't wait for another littler girl to join us in a few weeks!
I procrastinated so bad on her nursery, but we got a lot done these past few weeks! Her room went from this...
To this! Still have a few more things to get, but we have all of the big stuff!
I got spoiled on Mother's Day! The Saturday before, Jared and I went to dinner and a movie. On Mother's Day, I got breakfast in bed (chikfila purchased the day before and then re-heated…kinda our tradition hah). Kyler made a sweet book at school. It was adorable! One of the pages said: "My mom is really good at feeding the babies." haha
We keep having these gorgeous sunsets with cotton candy clouds!
Proof that sometimes they like each other and get along :p
Kyler had a blast at his first school fun run!
Ryan is the best snuggler around :)
Our baby trees we planted are growing!
Lyla took a tumble off of a kitchen chair and landed weird on her arm…she has two fractures in the ulna and radius. Poor baby!
For Memorial Day weekend, we hung out with the Schramm's at Thanksgiving Point and then the Antczak's, at our family cabin!