These last few months have flown by! Jared has been flying to South Dakota every Sunday and coming back every Wednesday to utah to work from home the other days of the week. I’ve been busy with 6 kids including baby twins!
In February Jared and I took Connor and Mason to South Dakota with us on a house hunting trip. There was hardly any houses on the market and we didn’t see anything we loved. When we got home, Jared took the big kids skiing several times.
In March, Jared blessed Connor and Mason in church. Ignore the boys’ hats. They looked cute online but in person they were kinda weird haha oh well. Cousin Carolyn came to visit and we had a blast! Jared continued looking at houses in South Dakota, and would FaceTime me so I could tour with him. We ended up buying a house that wasn’t even on the market yet…but it came with a steep price tag. We love it though and it’s right on a lake!
In April, we listed our current house in South Jordan. It was under contract within 3 days and over asking price 🥳. For spring break, we visited Schramma and Schrammpa one last time in St. George. Near the end of the month Jared and I took Kyler to the temple for the first time to do baptisms. It was such a great experience 🥰.
In May, we took the kids to Lagoon one last time, and the big twins went on their first field trip…to the zoo! They loved miss Kimizuka!
We leave for South Dakota next week after the last day of school. It’s hard to believe our Utah chapter is coming to an end. It’s been a wonderful (almost) 7 years.