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Bauer the Ballerina

26 May 2011

It's been a while since I've had a blog post about the D-O-G.  He has been pushed to the back burner ever since baby Kyler joined the family!  Anyways, because the little giant pooch has been ignored for so long, we decided to do something nice for him...WE ENROLLED HIM IN DOG BALLET CLASSES!!!
You think I'm joking?

Okay, so yes of course I'm joking. Some random girl I don't even know asked if she could film my dog and my neighbor's dog in ballerina outfits for part of her senior project.... of course I said YES.  How funny is that?  Bauer has always had a crush on our neighbor's dog Sadie.  She is one of the only girl dogs on the block! Sadie usually pulls the "Defensive Maneuver #41" if you've ever seen Mary-Kate and Ashley's movie Our Lips are Sealed. (one of my favs!)  meaning...she turns the cheek. hahahah. This vid proves it!


  1. ummm....I was a little nervous you really did put him in a dance class...However, I wouldn't be surprised if you did!

  2. I do Zumba at this studio and was really hoping that the floors I stretched on were not being used by doggy ballerinas!

  3. haha you are just jealous that YOUR dog wasnt part of the fun.

    Soooo, you do Zumba? I've never done it before but everyone seems to love it. I wanna give it a try! how do I sign up?

  4. Yeah I love it! The class I go to you just pay and she gives you a card with 12 punches on it. There are so many teachers around here too! My teacher just changed her class time to mornings so I'm going to try and find a diff one since I don't like getting up at 7am to work out!


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