Back to school...AGAIN.
28 January 2010
Here we are, truddgin our way through ANOTHER semester of school. Will this ever end? It seems like school just keeps getting harder and busier every semester. One thing I do enjoy about this semester though, is working at the after school program. I am in charge of 3rd and 4th graders for the next five weeks, and then I switch to k-2nd. Those kids are so darn cute! We had a lesson on music today, and had the local high school jazz band come and perform for us. By the end of their performance, the kids were standing up and dancing around together. It was funny because it was just like in high school where all of the girls would group together and dance...and the shy boys would just be all sitting and standing near the walls together. I even saw my supervisor nodding his head and dancing a little jig for a split second. My supervisor is EXACTLY like Mr. Roggers. He wears sweaters everyday...has the grey hair neatly combed over to the side...just the kindest sweetest old man you will ever meet. He also walks everywhere like Mr. Roggers. The elementary school that we meet at is 3 blocks away from BYUI, and my friend said that she saw him yesterday... running to the elementary school through the snow... in his suit and sweater with both hands on his hat to get to the school on time...haha! Wish I coulda seen it. :)
Christmas 09
09 January 2010

We had so much fun spending time with my family for Christmas. It was AWESOME. Most of the time we just relaxed, watched movies, took naps, and played games... we also played Frisbee-golf and went Christmas caroling....and ate food. LOTS of food.

Christmas Eve dinner was amazing as always.
The rest of the trip we spent relaxing at the beach house. Don’t be deceived, it wasn’t as warm as it looks. Last year it was in the 60s. This year it was in the low 40s. Lame. But it was still fun. I absolutely LOVE the ocean.


I threw a piece of bread up in the air, and ten minutes later, Jared and I had about 30 seagulls flying above us wanting bread too! They came pretty close, but none would eat them out of our hands this year. Here is a video mel made of our seagulls from last year. If you dont wanna watch the whole thing, just fast forward to the end. Thats the cool part. :)
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The rest of the trip we spent in Utah with Jared’s side of the Fam. Grrr I forgot to pull out my camera AGAIN. I promise I will next trip. We had fun there too, pretty much doing the same things we did in NC. Thanks Bruce and Cathi for putting up with us!
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