I'm stuck inside all weekend, because I have a stupid cold. Stuffy nose, headache sore throat, cough, got it all. The worst part of it is being so tired, but too miserable to sleep. But the positive? I lost over 5lbs this week! and I have been eating like crazy. I mean, this is what I ate yesterday: a pancake, sausage, eggs, a granola bar 4 pieces of pizza, half a bag of salt and vinegar chips, a can of chicken soup, and 5 chocolate chip cookies...all just yesterday and still managed to lose 2 lbs. Jared has been taking good care of me and has been spoiling me rotten. If anyone wants this diet of: stuff your face with junkfood and still lose weight, feel free to come over and keep me company, and i'm sure you will come down with this nasty-yet kind of fun- cold too. :)
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