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Jared took this adorable picture, and surprisingly, it wasn't posed...
The other day I caught Kyler feeding Bauer yogo bites from his high chair.... and ever since then Bauer has been Kyler's best friend.  Every time I put ky on the ground Bauer comes over and lays down next to him.

We have been going on lots of walks lately! We average 2-3 walks a day.  It is so pretty out here.  Not too hot, and not too cold. PERFECT.

This is Kyler's newest favorite toy.  We are borrowing it from my neighbor Carley.  She is so nice to let us use so many of her daughter's toys!  I love that I don't have to buy expensive things for him, and I don't have to find a place to store them after he outgrows them.  :)

I have been blonde for over a week now.  I wouldn't say that I like it any more or any less than I did the first day I got it dyed, but I will say that I have noticed that people treat me differently as a blonde!

Go ahead, call me crrrrrazy, but I swear people treat me nicer.  WAY nicer.
Weird, but it's the truth! 

ps TWO more week until we go to the cabin with jared's fam and until my fam's reunion at the beach house!

1 comment:

  1. yay! the beach. he is such a cute baby char! can't wait to see you guys.


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