Today we had a Regional Conference instead of our normal Church
meetings. For those of you who are not familiar with what that is,
Regional Conference is where all the congregations in a geographical
area (in our case North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Washington
DC, and Maryland) meet at their church buildings and watch a live
satellite broadcast where leaders of the Church speak to us. I thought a
normal 1 hour Sacrament meeting was tough enough for Kyler. Try getting
a 15 month old to sit still for TWO hours! Impossible!!! Jared and I
had to take turns with him out of the chapel so that he didn't continue
distracting everyone around us. While Kyler was walking down the
halls with Dada, Jared would point to pictures of the Savior and say,
"Who's that?... Jesus!" Soon Kyler was pointing to the pictures and saying,
"Deeduh!" (his way of saying Jesus). He has been learning so many new
words lately, I can't believe it! Everyday is exciting to see what he
learns next. Such a cutie!

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