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How Does a Toddler Go Down a 2 inch Step? Also, More Busy Bags!

28 April 2012

Have I ever mentioned that Kyler is obsessed with balloons? Well, he is. Every time he sees one he gets SO excited and yells "baaboo!!" I got him this blue star balloon at the dollar store several days ago, and it surprisingly hasn't died yet.
Riiiight before his hat fell off.

"BaaBoo" Lover

 Kyler is a very cautious toddler. He doesn't like to climb. He won't even climb up or off of the couch yet, and he is almost 18 months old! I'm okay with this though, because it makes my job of keeping him safe, a whole lot easier. Anyways, this video clip proves how cautious he is. This little step is MAYBE two inches down.

Here are two busy bag activities I made.  The first one is Texture Cards, and the second one is a color sorting activity.
 I made these by cutting out squares and then I hot glued objects with different textures on them. Simple.
We have used these at church and while we were apartment hunting to keep Kyler busy and quiet. He loves touching and feeling different textures. 
His favorite ones are: the buttons, the feathers, sandpaper, and the cut up erasers on the top left.
I made this sorting activity using my old CRAZY BONES (does anybody remember how cool these were in like 4th grade?) Anyways, I found them at my parents house, and thought they would make a fun color sorting activity for my future preschool.
Turns out, Kyler loves it too! (even though he can't color sort yet) He likes the different shapes, and taking them out of the container and putting them back in.
I won't be taking this activity outside of home, because it is a little noisy, and Kyler tends to think it is fun to throw them, but I know preschool kids will LOVE this activity.

1 comment:

  1. I kind of wish Nathan were as cautious as Kyler was on that two-inch step: Instead, Nathan has a half-inch scar on his forehead just inside the hairline from jumping on the bed and a chipped incisor from jumping off the kitchen countertop. Last week he rolled his tricycle off the desk in the back yard and cut his chin; he was back out at it after a ten-minute cry.

    Anyway, we sure miss you guys; take care and love you all.



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