Yesterday after church all of Jared's side of the family came over here to Bruce and cathi's (where we are staying currently) for delicious home-made brownies! The kids were eating outside (until they all decided it would be more fun to play than eat) which resulted in several plates of half eaten brownies sitting on the table. The next time I walked outside to check on Ky, (I expected him to be playing with the other kids) he was walking from plate to plate nibbling on the leftovers. He was all "sweet! Suckus left all these brownies for me!" -Yikes! I guess he got jareds chocolate loving genes. Haha :p
Today we went to the splash pad with the schrammie cousins and then went to a berry patch farm after. Raspberries are my absolute favorite (especially fresh out of a garden) we got three large containers of raspberries for only 8$! The berry patch also had a few animals in the back. A few baby deer walked up to kyler and he thought they were so funny. He kept calling them dogs. (Close enough eh?) kyler was a very good berry picker. He ate most of the berries he picked but only put TWO raspberries in the bucket the whole time. One of which was white and not ripe at all. He is so funny! Okay get ready for tons of pics-mostly of Kyler.

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