We finally finished the entertainment center we have been working on for the last month! My parents were trying to get rid of it- I was going to sell it for them but decided we might as well keep it because it's a really nice piece of furniture! We weren't huge fans of its orangey color stain. So we traded our entertainment center for theirs and sanded it down and stained it a darker color. Sounds easy but it was A LOT of work and it seriously seemed like it took forever....buuut our work paid off and now we have an entertainment center we love! Now we just have to find pretty things to put on the shelves and something to fill in the gaps on the bottom piece of the entertainment center, but that part should be easy. It was a fun project to do together. I'm blogging with my phone again so all of the pictures will have to come last and in a random order. (Is there a way to put pics in the middle of post from a phone?)
Last weekend we went camping with my parents and bro Cal and sis in-law Courtney. Schrammah took Kyler on a billion walks so he completely crashed in the tent at bedtime and slept the whole night through- what a good camper he is! The first thing kyler did when he woke up is put jareds hat on. Photo cred Courtney for the pic of Bauer swimming in the lake!

Camping was so fun...Let's go Back :)