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22 May 2013

The Dollar store is definitely Kyler's favorite store:
Kyler (my 2 year old) is in-between an 8 year old and an 11 year old...doesn't he look so big?!
"Why is the dollar store Kyler's favorite?" you might ask. see...this is where we buy: (I don't know if these will work on mobile devices, so if not get on your computer to see them!)

You may have guessed it... BALLOOONS!!
Which as you can tell by the jumping up and down...are still his most favorite thing in the world.

I recently discovered this gifboom app thingy and am kinda obsessed with it. I tried to copy one I saw of a dog a few weeks ago, and it didn't really turn out haha but I still like it:

This is my all time favorite one. I didn't make it, but it's hilarious:

We are off to the beach (Topsail Island, NC) tomorrow for a much much needed vacation with friends. Get ready for some gorgeous beach pics! xoxox-Char

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! These are so funny!! That is so cute jumping for the balloons. I think I have hearts in my eyes! just found your blog today and looove it!


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