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Family Pictures 2013

27 June 2013

My sister, Emily, snapped some pictures of us while we were at the beach last week. They turned out ADORABLE!! Check out her website: Funfetti Photography

We had to add balloons in the picture...they are a part of our everyday lives. Kyler is obsessed with them.

We had to sacrifice a lot for this picture. (Jared got sand in his hair and I got wet by the wave behind us.)

I cant decide if I should use this one for my blog header or the one above. Thoughts? Maybe I'll switch it up half way through the year? hmmm So many pics to choose from!

I love this goof ball

Aunt Emily took away his balloons and he wanted them back. haha!

 I'm forever head over heals for this guy :D

Looking so much like his daddy lately!


  1. GORGEOUS pictures! seriously love them all.

  2. Great photos! I love the colors you're all wearing, too!


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