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Bright Faith= Bright Future!

01 February 2014

Sometimes I get frustrated when I think about and plan the future, and then things don't go exactly how I had planned. However, when I remember to have faith, my frustrations melt away, and I am reminded that the Lord has better things in store for us when things don't work out how we want.

This week, something wonderful happened! Jared accepted a job offer-we are sorta thrilled about :) It wasn't the exact job or the timing we had planned on, but this new job is practically perfect! He'll still be working with the same company (Carolina's Healthcare System) but has a new role on a new team that is very interesting to him. We are so happy, and are feeling very blessed for this new opportunity.


  1. congrats on the new job for the hubby!!

  2. Hey there! Thanks for stopping by my blog - I had to return the favor! Your blog is so cute and I especially love your most recent post.. a good reminder to all of us. Congrats on your husband's new role at his job. :) Chelsea

  3. I'm so glad you found me because you have the cutest blog! I love it!

  4. congrats on his new job! thanks for following me, cant wait to read more of you guys :) blessings.

  5. Hey Char! I'm so glad you stopped by my blog :) you have such a wonderful blog! I can't wait to read more~ thank you for sharing this quote and your thoughts!!! you can do it! and I know Heavenly Father will continue to show you what you can achieve if you trust him

    Elly xx

  6. Congrats to you all! I needed this reminder today. Thanks :)

  7. OKAY… LOVE love love your blog. So adorable. Congrats on the job! That is so exciting!!!

    xoxo, Madeline


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