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Snow Activities

15 February 2014

It snowed again! 

Everyone in the south has been flooding their social media sites with snow I figured I would join in the fun :)

 Because everything closes here when it snows, we've had a nice relaxing week as family- full of watching movies, napping, and playing in the snow (which is only fun when you rarely see it haha).

The snow gave us the opportunity to try out a few kids activities that I've been wanting to do with Kyler. One of them was painting in the snow.... 

Walmart bags over shoes = redneck boots :)
Kyler had fun with it (so did I haha). The paint made for an interesting looking snowman. We made the "paint" by mixing food coloring, water, and cornstarch together. I've heard actual paint works too.

We also made colored ice balls out of balloons.

This was my little guy's favorite! 

When the ice balls melt, they turn the snow different colors. Kyler thought it was pretty neat!


  1. Love Kyler's redneck boots. That's all we ever had when I was a took me until college to figure out why my mom never came with us when we went sledding--remember I grew up in CA so we had to drive 2 hours to get to snow to sled and it only went once a year.

    1. LOL! Yeah...Why would I want to buy him boots when he will only get to wear them once before he outgrows them? I get your mom's logic haha.

  2. Aw this looks like so much fun!! I think we all pin stuff and hardly ever get to any of it! Kyler is so very cute!!

  3. that balloon idea is brilliant upon brilliant. i wonder if someone could do some sort of.. impressionist painting in the snow with it. the would be stinkin' cool. maybe i'll try it!

    1. haha You should try it! and when you become rich and famous... don't forget me! :D


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