One morning last week, Kyler decided that he was going to work WITH Jared (don't know how that idea got in his little head). He put his slippers on, grabbed his backpack and yelled up the stairs "Bye mommy! Gotta go workin with daddy. See ya later!" I ran downstairs in time to capture this moment:
He was so happy, and totally thought he was going to work too! He hates saying goodbye to daddy; they are best buds.
This past Friday was a big day for us (people have been asking me, so I will tell you it was "journey" related, so you'll read about it at later time- gotta go in sequence!). Also, last Friday was just a crazy stressful day because it was it was so busy! I literally left the house as soon as I woke up and didn't get back home until 2AM.... And it was one of those days where everything seemed to go wrong like realizing I was out of gas at a horrible time, and appointments running longer than expected, and being late for work (for the first time in my life). Then after work, we had to make a 2 hr drive to be in Columbia, SC by 8pm, but of course there was traffic.Anyways, once we arrived in Columbia, SC, and we walked into the doors of The House of the Lord. All of my stress and worry melted away. The temple is such a holy place, and I felt so calm and comforted just being there. I wish we lived closer to a temple so that we could go more often.
The temple is (seriously) a little piece of heaven on earth.

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