Jared and my nephew found some pretty sweet sharks teeth this trip!
Our little boy is growing up too fast!
We purchased a really cool pirate ship kite...but it wasn't windy enough to fly it. Kyler still had a fun time watching Jared try though!
Kyler ran around so much that he took a nap that lasted just over 3 hours right after the next two pictures were taken:
This is blog worthy because he usually only takes a 1 hour nap everyday... 2 hours if we're lucky...but a 3 hour nap is crazy long for him!
I had some fun girly time with my nieces...painting nails, shopping, watching chick flicks- you name it, we did it! They were my little buddies this week :)
They flew back to their home in New Mexico today...so sad- we're going to miss them!

Looks like so much fun! THe Beach is one of my favorite places!
Char, you are GORGEOUS!