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Mother's Day 2014

13 May 2014

My mother's day was very lazy day- just what I needed! I had ANOTHER stomach bug on Saturday and was still catching up on rest on Sunday. This was the second stomach bug I've had in two months! When I got to work on Monday, I found out that all of my students except 4 had thrown up over the weekend. Crazy that we all got it at the same time.

Jared and Kyler made me breakfast in bed on Mother's day. They also made me a "Happy Mother's Day" banner (like I used to make my own mom growing up) and of course they smothered me with candy, service (and presents!).

...and because lately I've seen too many over edited pictures with eyes brightened so much they look fake and teeth whitened to the extreme, and don't get me started on over airbrushing. Not that those tare terrible occasionally and in moderation... I just hate looking at pictures that have been edited so much they don't even look like the actual person anymore! blahhh I miss good old fashioned red eye pictures! So I'm going to post one :D

Okay weird! On my phone and on my desktop, Kyler's eyes are RED but as soon as I uploaded it to blogger...the red is gone.... that's a little bit freaky and slightly disturbing. Blogger automatically edits my pictures for me now?! What is going on?!

Anyways, I'm getting off topic- back to my Mother's Day. At church, all of the children (ages 3-11) sang a few Mother's Day songs us. This was Kyler's first year singing to me, but he was so nervous he ran to a teacher to hold him and just stared out at the audience like a deer in headlights. hahaha I still loved it though, and heard him practicing the song many times in the comfort of our own home beforhand  :)

1 comment:

  1. Awww love the little butterfly. Happy (belated) Mother's Day, Char :)


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