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Weeks 25-29

02 October 2014

Previous pregnancy related posts here.

Today is September 22, 2014. I'm currently 27 weeks, and both babies are doing great! Twin A (boy) is vertex and Twin B (girl) is transverse.

They are about 2lbs 7ounces and 2 lbs 8 ounces, as of today, and just over 14 inches long each. That's a lot of baby to squeeze in my belly! They are both still measuring ahead of schedule size wise. Baby girl is much more active than baby boy, whom is mellow the majority of the time. I wonder if I'll see that in their personalities later? Here are their ultrasound pics from today: Baby boy was snoozing away, and Baby girl kept kicking her own face; so she is blurry...but it looks like she is smiling :)

I failed the one hour glucose test today, so I have to go back to do the three hour test next week to see if I have Gestational Diabetes. My chances are increased, because I have twins- so we'll see! I also failed the first test when I was pregnant with Kyler though, and then passed the three hour one, so I hope I get lucky again.

Today is October 2, 2014
Great news!!---I just found out that I passed my 3 hour glucose test, and don't have gestational diabetes!

How far along? I'll be 29 weeks in a few days. Most people tell me I don't look like I'm carrying twins, but I think they are just being nice haha. I'm 5' 3'' and there isn't much room for the babies to go other than out at this point... my belly is measuring about 40 weeks (by the measurement scale they use for one baby inside) The biggest I got with Kyler was 37ish weeks, so yes- I'm giant.
Movement: So many kicks; I love it.
Cravings: Spicy foods...especially hot sauce!
Labor signs: I've been getting frequent Braxton Hicks contractions (about one an hour) but they are so mild and usually painless. If I walk for more than 20 minutes (whether its for exercise or just walking around a store) I start getting more painful contractions....Doc says to stay off my feet as much as possible and try and get two naps in a day--- okay Doc :)
Belly button: Out, but you can't see it poking out through my clothes yet.
Looking forward to: The twins will be here in less than 10 weeks!

Sorry, I don't have a belly picture this time (I need to take one!)...but I do have a picture of myself making my belly giant.
Funny story. I really wanted ice-cream, but we only had one ice-cream bar left...and I did NOT want to share with Kyler. So, while he was in the bathroom, I snuck it out of the freezer and hid in a random corner (in a room we never go in) to eat it. When Kyler came out of the bathroom, he spent 15 minutes trying to fine me, and I was cracking up in the corner while enjoying my ice-cream, and taking a video of the whole thing because I thought it was hilarious, and couldn't believe I was actually hiding from my 3 almost 4 year old in order to eat ice-cream. The above pic is a screenshot of the video that's why it's so blurry. Oh pregnancy. The end.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for keeping us up-to-date. We love the pictures and can't wait to hold those cuties for real. We miss you all so much it hurts: Cat-n-Boo-n-Nate-n-Josh.


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