Probably only one (or two) more bump dates before they come! Previous journey posts here.
Today is October 16, 2013.
Today is October 16, 2013.
I think I posted this picture before, but this was our last trip to the beach before the babies come.
-29 weeks-
My church friends threw me an adorable baby shower last week! Seriously, they are the best :)
Today is October 22, 2014
I had an ultrasound on Monday, and baby boy is measuring about 4 lbs 2 ounces and baby girl is about 3 lbs 14 ounces. They are both still measuring a little ahead of schedule, which I hear is rare for twins, but I'll take it- they are healthy! My ultrasound showed my cervix is funneling and thinning. My last ultrasound my cervix was 5cm long, this time it was only 2cm. My doctor wasn't too concerned because I'm having twins, but told me to stay off my feet as much as possible, and drink lots of water. I'm getting so excited for them to come!
Today is November 3, 2014
Today I had my first non-stress test (where they monitor the babies' heartbeats and contractions).
Our nurse wasn't very familiar with the NST machine, so she spent 45 minutes trying to get me hooked up and had a hard time finding baby boy's heartbeat. I almost cried and was freaking out, but at the same time, I could feel them both kicking so I knew they had to be okay. Jared wasn't worried; he could tell our nurse didn't know what she was doing (she apologized after the test was over and explained that the nurse that usually does their NST's was out, so she was trying to cover for her, but wasn't familiar with the machine). She had baby boy's heart monitor where Jared thought his head was, and Baby girl kept kicking her I was pretty sure that one wasn't on right either. We ended up having to go in for an ultrasound to see how the babies were positioned, and they were both doing great! Both hearts where nowhere near where she had the NST monitors hooked up on me. Hah.
Once I was all hooked up to the machine properly, the NST went well! I laid there for about 45 min and pushed a button whenever I felt one of the babies move.
The results of the test were good! However, the doctor acted surprised when she saw that I was having so many contractions. I wasn't surprised, I've been feeling the contractions for the past week and a half or so. They come between 5-20 minutes apart all day everyday (and night) and last about a minute. They aren't painful, just a little uncomfortable. She said as long as the contractions aren't painful then she isn't concerned about them.
Today is October 22, 2014
I had an ultrasound on Monday, and baby boy is measuring about 4 lbs 2 ounces and baby girl is about 3 lbs 14 ounces. They are both still measuring a little ahead of schedule, which I hear is rare for twins, but I'll take it- they are healthy! My ultrasound showed my cervix is funneling and thinning. My last ultrasound my cervix was 5cm long, this time it was only 2cm. My doctor wasn't too concerned because I'm having twins, but told me to stay off my feet as much as possible, and drink lots of water. I'm getting so excited for them to come!
Today is November 3, 2014
Today I had my first non-stress test (where they monitor the babies' heartbeats and contractions).
Once I was all hooked up to the machine properly, the NST went well! I laid there for about 45 min and pushed a button whenever I felt one of the babies move.
We made it to 33 Weeks!
I have a c-section scheduled for 5 weeks from now, unless of course they decide to come on their own within the next 3 weeks. Then, maybe a VBAC will be a possibility. At this point, I don't care how or when they come, I just want them here safe and healthy :)

So awesome that you have made it this far!
ReplyDeleteYou look beautiful! So glad you are doing well with these babies! :)