Kyler started a little preschool program 2 mornings a week down the street, and I use those mornings as my "errand" days. I feel like I'm starting to get this twin thing down! For example, when I'm out and about and the babies are hungry and need diaper changes, I discovered that if I sit backwards in between the seats on the console... I can nurse one baby and play with other baby simultaneously, and Kyler's carseat makes an excellent changing station! hah.
They are getting so big!
Spring has arrived here in Charlotte, and we've been spending many afternoons at the park!
The twins love these little baby carriers, and are so content being carried around while I do chores.
This is a typical "Ryan look". Always looks like he is concentrating :)
Kyler is pretty good at getting the babies to giggle! I love watching their sibling relationships grow.
Jared knows that if he gets something delicious at the grocery store (cookies/candy) he has to hide it from me and Kyler...otherwise it will be gone by the time he gets home from work! Sometimes I accidentally stumble upon it...other times we look for it on purpose :D
Freshly bathed babes in snug fitting jammies ahhh I could munch on them all day!
A good friend gave us this baby bathtub. I set both the twins in for fun, and started to laugh... then they both laughed back at me! I wasn't expecting them to realize it was funny. Anyway, this pic was after the fact, but I wanted to remember that moment :)