This will probably be the last night I have any free time before the crazy busy packing for the move begins (we are loading the truck in 5 days) so I thought I would do a good picture dump here :D
First, I found a few pictures on my phone from the beach that I didn't post :D wish I were there right now! This is the reality of how messy the babies got every time we went out to the beach. They were sand lovers:
The twins are 8 months old, and have some killer blue eyes! They are the same color, but Ryan's are a little more round, and a tiny bit bigger. Lyla has more of my eye shape (almond shape) and they are a little more deep set. I'm so jealous of their blue eyes! Also, it's kind of hard to tell in pictures, but Lyla's hair is dark brown, and Ryan's (what little he has) is a lighter blonde color. Lyla is still the heavy weight champ.
Okay, now back to Charlotte pics-
...and Jared hates when I take these stalker type pics ^^ haha but can you blame me? I love love love this view, and I only get to stare at it for a few more months, because they are going to grow out of those infant carriers before we know it!
We've been trying to squeeze as many dates in with friends and family as we can! We're going to miss everyone :(
Kyler is going to especially miss his friend Ashlynn :(
Jared finished Wake Forest's MBA program last Wednesday! He took me and the babies on a tour- it was about time! I'm so proud of him!! (...and so glad we are done with school forever...)
I love when the babies do this:
I took a few pictures of our house for the rental company website. We only lived in this house for 4 months, and it's small, but I think I'll still miss it....especially the neighborhood.
I will NOT, however, miss the blue carpet haha.
I walked out our front door to take a picture of the outside of our house, and my neighbor was outside.
She saw me and my camera and exclaimed "Oh! You want to take my photograph? Well alright!"
Me: "Oh! um. er. Yes! That's why I came outside. Say cheese!"
Her name is Jo, and that's her little dog named Ladybug. Jo's mom is 93 and still lives there!
The babies did a little skinny dipping on the driveway. They have just as much fun in our ghetto plastic pool, than they do at the giant neighborhood one. Plus they don't have to wear diapers. So it's probably even a little more fun for them. :D
My mom gave me a selfie stick-GNO gift from family reunion- actually I should probably call it a groupie stick, because that's all I'll use it for! we tried it out today- I'm going to miss family dinners with this bunch :(
We started doing crawling races with the twins. They're about even speed wise (pretty slow and easily distracted).
Anyways, we're going to miss Charlotte, NC! :(