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6th anniversary and moving in

18 September 2015

Soon after we arrived here in Utah, Jared and I celebrated our 6th anniversary!

To celebrate, we went raspberry picking with the fam, shopping, and then Jared and I went out on a date, while Ben and Mere watched the kids!

Unpacking was really hard. The twins just wanted to be held all day everyday that first week, and Kyler would get jealous of me holding the twins and would come sit on me as well. This is what those first few days  looked like...

Jared and I got most of our unpacking done at night when the kids were asleep! This is the first house we've lived in (since we've been married) that has had a fenced in back yard. It's wonderful! Bauer stays outside pretty much all day everyday, and has play dates with Uncle Mark's dog Ruger; he's in doggy heaven. Kyler loves playing out there too!

I had to find a way to keep the babies contained though, because they kept trying to eat all the grass/rocks/sticks in the yard. This is working for now:
Notice the random avocado in there haha. I don't have to puree it anymore, they just eat it by the spoonful!

Jared likes his new job here so far! He took me on a tour of where he works, I love the view from his office!

 We've been doing Sunday dinners with Grandma and Grandpa. All three kids crashed on their bed the other week.

We couldn't find the crib pieces for several days after moving in- I was scared we were going to have to buy new cribs! ...but we finally found the Kyler's toy box haha.

We're finally settling in and it's finally starting to feel like home here! 

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