Whoops! It's been a while since I've posted on here! I missed Christmas and the whole month of January. Realistically, I can't go back and write about all of the little details that I want, but this is the most journaling I do, so I will do my best to recap the big stuff :)
Christmas happened. This was probably my favorite year yet with Kyler being 5. He was deep in imagination land. Some of our friends from church play "Mr. and Ms. Claus" as their jobs in December, and they came over one night after working in their costumes. Kyler LOVED it. The twins? Not so much...
Santa in our house (santa app)
Kyler only asked for two things for Christmas... an "up" balloon and a silver ring like daddy's. He got both and then Santa threw in a few bonus gifts. Lyla loves her dolly and Ryan loves his new soft bunny blanket (dang didn't get a picture of all of the gifts whoops and also missing are our pictures from Christmas at Jared's families house acting out the nativity... must be on Jared's phone)
I took a few pics of the twinzies too...I'm a sucker for cloth diaper pics if you can't tell.
New Year's Eve was spent with family...and the karaoke machine. Kyler has Vanilla Ice down. Lyla woke up a few minutes before midnight (again just like last year as a newborn.).
New Years day we left the kids and went hiking in the snow to Doughnut Falls with the Jagers. Gosh it was so fun.
The snow has been pretty, but I'm still not used to it and HATE it. I just want to take my babies outside to play! Instead we are cooped up inside all day :(
Because we go stir crazy easily, we've taken lots of trips to the Curiosity Museum.
...and have been trying to plan more playdates...
We also go to the gym everyday. Mostly to get out of the house :) Sometimes we are a little redneck and bring the twins in the jammies they've worn all day. I love all of the teachers!
Kyler was "mad" at Lyla one day in the car (she probably wasn't looking at him when he wanted lol) and I heard him say "This is you Lyla and your crazy hair!!" in a very grumpy voice. I turned around and saw his picture... too funny!
Ryan and Lyla turned 13 months!
The twins had their one year check up finally (at 13.5 months months) They are both 19lbs (5%for Ry and 19% for Ly) They also had to do an iron test where they pricked their toes... I didn't realize that Lyla's toe was apparently gushing blood all over my pants (khaki's of course). Yup, that was embarrassing.
Kyler went through a phase where he wanted to match Jared all of the time... it was cute :)
...like I said, the kids and I live in PJs most days, I don't remember why I had real clothes and hair done on this particular day but obviously I wanted it documented bahaha:
I started working a little part time job from home for Alva Baby. (www.alvababy.com) their biggest item is their cloth diapers, but right now I'm mostly working on their newest product... bibs:
Kyler finally learned how to write his name! I say finally, because of course he probably could have written his name YEARS ago had he wanted to... but he was never interested in writing! I tried not to push him and let him learn when he was ready, and BAM he has really taken off these past few months with writing and reading! I'm so proud of him.
With church at 11am (instead of 9am) this year, we've actually been better at getting there on time!
Then our house got hit with the sickies. Fevers, Colds, Strep throat, Teething. It's been fun :)
Oh, and one last picture of my messy babies, because cleaning their messes is my life right now, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

Your kids are just the cutest!! Love the picture your son drew in the car, too funny! I love those bibs I will definitely check them out!
ReplyDeletethe last picture is the BEST. life with babies is quite a mess!