The twins are 15 months! Lyla is walking everywhere, and Ryan is starting to take a few steps too!
Kyler is still small for his age, but recently went through a growth spurt, and is finally out of size 3T clothing. haha.
He likes to dress himself...
Jared was in the hospital for a few days, but is completely better now! The doctors still aren't sure what caused the infection, or if it will happen again- which is super comforting.
The Provo City temple was incredible! The babies were silent throughout the entire tour- it was like they could tell it was a special place!
We spent a weekend in CA for my nieces baptism. She is a cutie, and I'm so proud of her for following the example of Jesus and being baptized!
....Get ready for a massive CA picture dump:
The twins loved the sand!
Whenever we go on road trips I always put a changing pad in the trunk so I don't have to change their diapers in nasty public restrooms. Smart right?! My sis taught me this trick.
Sometimes the twins will Brand Rep for ETSY shops. Meaning, shops send me free products in exchange for me taking pictures of their products they can use for advertisement. Oftentimes it is headbands, and whenever Lyla isn't cooperating for pictures, I'll just throw a dress on Ryan and snap a few. I call him Ryla. He is always so good to sit still for pictures!
These Utah sunsets still take my breath away. I snapped this pic on the way home from the gym one night.
We had a wonderful weekend in St. George with family! My favorite part was when the twins fell asleep in our arms while hiking!
We got to spend Easter with some of our BFFs from NC! The temple was the perfect place to remember our Savior and what he did for us. So thankful for Christ and the atonement. Nothing makes me happier than the thought of being with my family forever.

If i had to choose between a vacuum and a changing table installed in my van, I'd pick changing table every time. I usually just make my kids stand to do car diaper changes but I'll have to give the changing pad thing a try.