It's finally spring here in Utah, and gosh it's gorgeous!
Things are going good here! Jared has finally hired his team at work, so he has been busy training them. I'm still working for Alva Baby (part time from home... when the kids are napping ;) and loving it. We also have still been keeping up at going to the gym everyday! I started a new workout program, and I'm actually enjoying it. Words I never thought I would say. Ha.
We've also been trying out the different county pools around here, and this one is our favorite so far!
I'm pretty sure Lyla was actually screaming in the picture below, but her pose looks so cute hah:
I had to take some pictures/videos for work. You can see them on we're pretty much famous now :p jk. jk.
That bracelet Lyla is wearing in the pictures above/below was MY baby bracelet that I used to wear... my mom saved all of these years and just gave to me :) Mother's Day weekend this year was amazing! I was seriously spoiled rotten with breakfast in bed, gifts, and all of the cooking, cleaning and diaper changes were done for me!
We love hiking and are so excited for the snow to melt off the mountains so we can hike them! This was just a little hike we took the kids on- Ensign Peak! It looks over downtown Salt Lake. Jared took me up here when we were dating, and this was our first time back since...8 years and 3 kids later :) Man, we have a good life!
Bauer is still around and such a good dog...he barely made it up that hike though ;)
Several of our old college friends live near us, so it has been fun re-connecting. Josh and Carley were our first neighbors we had as newly weds...and it's been fun watching our kids become friends and play together:
The tulip festival was gorgeous! We are definitely going to go back soon!
We love having so many nieces around to babysit so we can go out on dates!
We spend a lot of time out here on the front porch. It's easy to contain the twins-who love being outside, and Kyler loves to have picnics.
I found this old picture of Jared and had to compare it to Ryan's picture at that age. They look so similar!
The twins are 17 months old! It's so hard getting a picture of them smiling and looking at the same time!
Lyla's most frequent nickname is "Belley". She stomps her feet when she wants things, and is very bossy!
and Ryan's most frequent nickname is "RyRy Cole". Ryan is so chill and loves to snuggle...esp with daddy.
They have been "double trouble" lately getting in to everything and making messes. I started the bath water one afternoon and went and grabbed clean towels out of the hall closet. I came back to this: Ryan climbed into the bathtub fully clothed (he loves baths) and Lyla was playing in the toilet:
Kyler is such a good big brother and is (usually) so sweet and helpful! He loves his baby brother and sister, and I can't believe he will be going to kindergarten in the fall!
We've been here in Utah just over 8 months now. You'd think we'd have a location narrowed down by now as to where we want to buy our home, but we don't. I think we've come to the conclusion that we just love so many different areas for different reasons. It's hard to choose one! We're planning on buying a home this we are excited about that!

I LOVE the picture in the bathroom, hilarious!! Now I know what I have to look forward to.