This picture is a little blurry, but it was up at our family cabin a few weeks ago. It's so gorgeous up there!
It's so nice to take a break from the world and enjoy family.
These cousins are best buddies. I think they all look related. No?
I wanted to document Lyla's hair growth...its finally growing! She has these adorable little curls. They are super curly right after she gets out of the bath, but even after I brush through them and her hair dries... the ends still curl and I love it:
This was one day after house hunting. We fell in love with this little neighborhood, but ended up passing on the particular house we looked at in the neighborhood. I'm so glad we passed, otherwise we wouldn't have found the house we did!
The twins share a pajama drawer, so we just kind of grab some and put whatever on the twins to sleep in. Sometimes Lyla is in boy pjs and sometimes Ryan ends up in girl pjs :p
The twins both have 4 teeth each, and are getting better at being able to chew fruit snacks! They are big fruit snack fans...who isn't?
Lyla has been doing this lately when I tell her to do something she doesn't want to do, and it cracks me up! It's like a mini temper tantrum, because she's too lazy to throw a full blown one (don't get me wrong, she throws the full blown tantrums often enough).
I'm so proud of us for still keeping up with our workouts! Jared isn't a big picture fan, so I have to take them when he's not paying attention :p He's hot.
The photo below on the left was two months ago, and the photo on the right was a few days ago... I've lost 5% body fat, and feel so good!
Kyler is registered for half day kindergarten! His school is year round, which scared me at first, but after looking at the schedule, I think we will like it! For every 9 weeks of school, there is a 3 week vacation. Plus the normal holidays off and a nearly 2 month summer break. Interesting!
I think he will do great in kindergarten! I feel like he has matured a lot the past few months. He still is very energetic/playful don't get me wrong, but he is also more patient and curious about learning. He will sit down for 20 minutes and just practice writing his letters and numbers, and asks me questions non stop. He is so sweet and thoughtful! I love this boy.
Kyler loooves playing in the backyard with Bauer, and Ruger (my BIL's dog)
18 months old already!
I love his little profile.
I love this toddler stage. They are so curious about everything, and I love connecting with them and making them laugh.
We take the inserts out of our cloth diapers, and use them as swim diapers sometimes! This happened the other day, and it's quite possibly the cutest little wedgie I've ever seen:
We purchased the "Pass of all Passes" this year, and oh man we are having so much fun with it!
This picture makes me want to tickle those little toes!
The twins are both 21 lbs and 30 inches tall. (Lyla 5 oz heavier and .5 inches taller) (Ryan 3% and Lyla 14%)

We went to the Oquirrh Mountain temple for the first time. I love love love the temple. I always come out feeling so peaceful and happy with a new perspective of life.
Can't wait to celebrate this daddy on Sunday! He really is practically perfect in every way. I'm so spoiled to have him as my husband, and our children are so lucky to have him as their father.