Kyler is a KINDERGARTENER!! What! The transition has gone great for Kyler! He is doing so well, and is such a good listener in school. Surprise! (No sarcasm haha). Kyler loves his teacher and is very outgoing and good at making little friends!
I love him. He's adorable.
He wanted a picture with his ($10!!!) balloon popped 5 minutes later :[
Ryan wanted some first day of school pics too. I think they turned out pretty cute :p
Jared and I hiked Mt Timpanogos with family (and their friends) a few weeks ago. It was such an incredible experience! We left around 2am and got to the top just in time for sunrise. It was about a 10 hr hike round trip. I was so sore I could barely walk up the stairs to our room when I got home.
Yep, I think I'm satisfied in the hiking department for another year or so. ha. but really. We've been hanging out at our little neighborhood lake a ton! Much more low-key, and the weather has been perfect.
Our neighborhood also does concerts on weekends in the summer which have been great!
We bought this cute little kids picnic table and have used it so much already with friends and cousins!
Jared and I celebrated our 7th Wedding anniversary! We took a little trip up to Rexburg to reminisce on our dating days and where we fell in love. It was really fun, and the kids loved it too! We went to the gardens on the BYU-I campus, and I caught Kyler and Lyla holding hands. I didn't even tell them to!! Kyler has really taken to Lyla lately.
We tried to take a family selfie in the gardens...but one of the kids is always crying whenever I want to take a picture. Real life:
When we got home from Rexburg, Jared and I went out on a date to Shula's where I had the best steak of my life!
I was trying to change Ryan into his PJ's one night but he was sooo tired, and I took advantage of the sleeping nakey baby photo opportunity haha. He loves that fuzzy bunny blanket.
I love Sunday mornings before church when everyone is dressed in their "Sunday Best". It's so hard to get the kids to sit still for a picture though! Enter food bribery.
One evening, I couldn't find these three anywhere in the house! I walked outside and turned around the corner to see this and my heart bursted!
Labor Day weekend we went raspberry picking at Mcbriars Berry patch. This was our 3rd year going there, and we've loved it each time!
I had to get a closeup of the twins' post berry "picking" faces.
We also spent some time with Jared's family up at our family cabin! This isn't everyone, but a good portion of the fam :)
Everyday when we walk Kyler home from school we see Bauer watching out the window... waiting for us. I think it's adorable.
We celebrated my 28th birthday this past weekend! Jared and I went on a date (shopping and dinner) and also went to the Mona rope swings!
We'll definitely be going back next summer!