Let's start at the beginning. Kyler had his first science fair project! He chose to do his project on balloons... because guess what. He's still LOVES balloons.
His class did a mini science fair and sang a few songs for the parents. It was super cute! Daxton and William are probably his favorite buddies in his class.
We soaked up the fall weather with several little walk/hikes, and went to CornBellys with some friends from Jared's work.
Kyler has been begging and begging for "Bob the Builder" pants (overalls) like the twins. I feel like he is too old to wear them, but I know he feels left out sometimes (when the twins match) so I caved.
We had so many days of perfect weather and ate dinner outside multiple times.
The twins' first time eating spaghetti!
Kyler had a few weeks off school (he's on the year round schedule and this was his "off track" time) ...so we took a road trip! Jared had a business trip in St. George. So, me and the kids tagged along. I love St. George, Utah!
We tried to get a family picture with the timer button, but after too many failed attempts we gave up.
The kids actually slept surprisingly well in the hotels we stayed at!
Our next destination was Albuquerque to visit Jared's sister, Staci, and her kids and go to the Hot Air Balloon Fiesta, but we had a day or two to spare before we needed to be in NM, so we decided it would be fun to stop in the Phoenix area first to see a few friends/family.
Phoenix was hot, but was still so fun! We ended up needing to cut our Phoenix trip short in order to get to Albuquerque sooner than we had planned. I wish we had had more time to play there, but we crammed a lot of fun in a day so it ended up working out okay.
The kids loved playing on this hill in front of our hotel.
We played at this awesome train park with my cousin, went to Fashion Square mall with my old roommate, and then were going to go to a splash pad with my friend Ali and her twins, but ended up just meeting up at her parents house on our way to Albuquerque because we ran out of time.
Lyla and Ryan had a few blowouts in the car on our way to Albuquerque... so that wasn't fun, but we made it safe. The kids LOVED this little wagon at their cousins' house. They literally played with it for hours!
It was so good to see family! We were only going to stay in NM for a few days, but they asked if we could stay longer... so we did! I'm glad we did. We got to do so many neat things, and bond closer to them. I took my nieces shopping, and we got pedicures. We got to go to Sadie's orchestra concert, Paityn's band performance, and Tragen's soccer game!
The Hot Air Balloon Fiesta was incredible! We ended up going twice! All of Kyler's balloon dreams came true.
When we got back home to Utah, we hit up the pumpkin patch!
I thought this was so funny, and the twins loved it, so I made him do it again...
Then, we tried to take a family picture, but Jared's phone died literally the second before the lady was about to push the button...and of course I had left my phone in the car. So, this random lady offered to take a picture for us on her phone and then text it to me...so we said sure! Thanks kind stranger!
Jared and I have been taking turns watching the kids and going to the temple every month or so. I love that we live so close! We could walk if we wanted! I love this place and recently had some pretty neat experiences inside.
Kyler has been loving Clifford lately.
I asked him what he wanted to be for Halloween and he said Clifford at first. Then a few weeks later when I was buying costumes I asked him again and he responded with "What's Ryan going to be?" I said he's going to be the big bad wolf...and Kyler responded with "Okay, I want to be the big bad wolf too. I want to be the same as Ryan." So, this year we had Little Red Riding Hood and the Little Bad Wolf AND the Big Bad Wolf.
Kyler kept calling Lyla "Little Red Hiding Hood" I thought it was cute :)
Kyler is back to school, and Bauer is back to his job of waiting by the door for his return home everyday.
Jared and I went on a double date to a haunted house. So fun.
On actual Halloween, we stopped by a few family member's houses and then put the twins to bed and took turns taking Kyler around our neighborhood and passing out candy at home. It was a great Halloween! Now, we're back at our gym routine trying to burn off all of the delicious food we ate on our trip and pounds of Halloween candy we are still eating.