I have twin TWO year olds!!
They are the cutest toddlers in the whole world!! Their 2 year checkup is next week so I don't have their exact stats but I think Lyla is about 24 lbs, and Ryan is about 22 lbs. Lyla is a good inch taller. They both have been late teethers and now have 12 teeth each. They should have about 20 by age 3 so it will be another year full of teething. They RUN, jump, climb, and get into everything! They play (and fight) really well together. They follow each other around the house and tend to stick together at all times. Neither are huge talkers, but are learning new words everyday.
The most noticeable change look wise for Lyla this year is that she (finally) grew hair!! She surprised us all by getting CURLY hair! It looks the most curly when she first gets out of the bath. As the day goes on the curls get loose/frizzy.
I told them to hold hands for this pic…I love how it turned out haha.
Lyla calls Kyler "Krackuh and Ryan "Rah Rah". She loves to play with baby dolls. Ryan calls Kyler "Kyker" and Lyla "Lyah". He loves to pretend to clean! Ryan still has the "soft spot" that infants have on their heads. It's getting smaller though (about the width of one finger now…it used to be 3 fingers wide!) It's not a big deal or anything, I just think it's crazy that he still has it.
I had to take a cloth diaper pic on their bday for Alva Baby... It really is the best job. I've been working for them for a year now!
We just had a small family party for them... like we do all birthdays in our home ha. One of these days they'll be begging me for a "real" party with friends, but for now, I'll enjoy them being easy to please while I can!
I tried SO hard to get a good picture of them in their matching pjs. I probably took 50 pictures. Most of them looked like this:
and this:
Dad came to the rescue and ONE of them turned out cute. Which is the one I posted on social media of course. haha.
The kids had fun decorating gingerbread houses:
We spent time with my family on Christmas Eve (went out to dinner and hung out), and went to Jared's family's house on Christmas Day for a nice Christmas Dinner and a cousin gift exchange. I wish I had taken more pictures! I was having too much fun to waste time on my phone though!
We finally got our fence installed! It wasn't the design we wanted (we wanted vinyl privacy fence all the way around, but HOA made us do vinyl privacy in the back and a little wood picket fence on the side, because we are a corner lot). We will get it painted and landscaped in the spring, but for now it's done! We woke up to a white Christmas, and I snapped this picture of our fence on our walk to church Christmas morning:
Jared came to the rescue again getting a cute picture of the kids in their Christmas outfits. I think this was at one of our church Christmas parties, but they wore the same thing to church on Christmas day :)
It's been so nice having a fenced in yard for the kids (and Bauer) to play in! You can see in this picture where the fence transitions to the wood. I don't love that they made us do two different types of fences, but at least it contains our crazies from running in the street, and that's most important!
It has been a busy and fun month. We're ready for 2017 and for new and exciting family adventures! ;)

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