We found out we are having a baby GIRL this month! Which wasn't a surprise to us, because both Jared and I felt so sure it was going to be a girl before we officially found out anyway!
My parents came to visit this month…I've been missing them so much and bawled my eyes out when they left (darn preggo hormones ha). We went to the Midway Ice Castles for the first time. They were incredible!
Jared's sister, Staci, visited us twice so we had two big Antczak family dinners at fancy restaurants (this preggo mama didn't complain). My belly hasn't grown too much bigger this past month (compared to months 2-3 when my belly "popped" but don't worry, I'm still packing on the weight :p. I'm starting to feel baby girl move, and it is the best feeling ever!
The kids all had their yearly checkup in January. Dr. was slightly concerned with Ryan's growth because he is so little (practically off the percentile charts). He is a picky eater! I'm not too worried about him, but to help with some weight gain we started him on the pediasure growth shakes. Ryan is 22 lbs 30 inches (about 1%)... Lyla is 24 lbs 31.5 inches (about 20%) and... Kyler is 40 lbs 42 inches (about 20%). I'm short on time, so that's it for this month's blog post! Enjoy the picture dump :) they are all out of order and I'm not going to take the time to organize them this time ha.
Lyla's hair is starting to get long! and I'm afraid less curly :(
Fun bday party!
This is real life. Lyla cried the entire checkup. Ryan was fussy for about half of it. Kyler was so nervous about the flu shot, but he didn't cry!
Our fav twin friends came to UT for a visit from AZ!
Kyler visited my grandparents in Ogden with my dad, and said "This is the best day of my life!!"
We told the kids they are going to have a sister with this balloon!
We finally upgraded to a king sized bed! This preggo mama needed more space ;) We had a fun little photo shoot!
Ryan didn't want to be in the pictures
I'm 20 weeks! Just over half way baked since she will be coming a week or so early via c-section.
Loooove this bed. So comfy and roomy!
These pictures are all out of order. oh well! This was our social media gender reveal photo.
One of my favorite preggo craving snacks haha. Potato chips and mustard!
Valentine playdate
Max's school musical!
They occasionally play nice together!
Love this family of mine! See you next month blog. Peace.

Congratulations on your sweet baby girl!! You have the cutest kiddos!