The kids helped measure for outdoor patio furniture.
It warmed up to the 70's for a week which was awesome. It is chilly again now, but the flowers are blooming and trees are budding, so warmer weather is just around the corner. I took some swim diaper photos for Alva Baby/Baby Goal.
and some training pants photos, and pacifier clips, and bibs, and plates and about 20 other products but I won't bore you with ALL of the pics.
I actually REALLY love these silicone plates. Kyler was excited to model in a product photo too!
This is actually Ryan haha…shhhhh...
Kyler is "off track" (has a break from school) for a few weeks, but we have been busy keeping up on reading and learning his sight words~ Is it just me or is Kindergarten so much harder than it used to be?!
Kyler didn't want Bauer to get pinched on St. Patricks day so he taped this to his collar.
We had a good FHE lesson about forever families and took the kids to Jared's grandparents graves. It was a very special lesson.
Baby Girl (still haven't decided on a name!) is growing! I've been updating the blog every month, so it's weird to think I will only have 2-3 more blog updates as a family of 5 before she comes. I can't believe we are about to become a family of 6!! 28 weeks…hello 3rd trimester!
Can't wait to meet this sweet baby girl!

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