Alright, I have a newborn at home now, so this post will mostly be pics/short captions.
1. Kyler's last school project was a zoo animal wax museum
2. He was an Alligator
3. South Jordan fair
4. Discovered an awesome new splash pad
5. Kyler completed his swim lessons with Mr. Josh. He still doesn't swim independently, but he is a lot less scared of the water, so that's progress.
6. As stated in the previous post, Lyla broke her arm by falling off a kitchen chair. She got her cast on, and was so excited it was "peeple" (purple).
7. Kyler graduated Kindergarten! We worked so hard with him, and he did great on his final test!
8. First and last days of kindergarten… he didn't grow any taller this school year. He loved his teacher Mrs. Karen! She retired at the end of this school year.
9. My brother came over with his drone and took this cool pic of our house.
10. Cousin Andie came to visit from NC
11. 38 weeks with the twins vs this singleton…
12. One of my last "bump" pics
13. Jared's sister and fam came to visit from NM
14. We snuck in a few quick trips to the neighborhood pools
15. My parents came from NC to stay with us and help out while we were in the hospital having a baby and recovering at home! We went on walks to feed the ducks, and to a neighborhood concert.
16. Father's Day! Jared and I had a date night the week before to celebrate…dinner and a movie (wonder woman) Then on actual Father's Day, we had a nice dinner with my parents and Ben's family. This was the last day before Baby Girl made her arrival! (I'll save that for next blog post).