I've been busy doing the same old work for ALVABABY. I've been working for them for almost 3 years now! I'll post a few of the pictures I've taken of Zoey for work, but I'll skip posting the ones of me hahah you can find those on Amazon if you're really desperate to see. Jared and I were slackers on our diets this summer…and it was awesome but now we are paying for it and are back to our normal diet/ exercise habit now that the school year has started. Jared built a workshop, storage shelves and shoe racks in our garage this summer. I think our next big project will be finishing the basement! We celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary at Lagoon, and it was a blast!
Kyler has matured so much this summer. He is a lot more patient with the twins, and is actually helpful around the house (he enjoys washing dishes and vacuuming!) He's grew at least an inch taller this summer, but is still short for his age and a little string bean. His reading and writing are coming a long quite nicely but he is struggling with math. We had a him tutored over the summer, and that tutor just happened to be his 2nd grade teacher this year! He seems to be making friends, and enjoying school a lot more than he did 1st grade.
Ryan and Lyla FINALLY are potty trained! Well, mostly. We are still working on those #2s (they wait until they have a pulll-up on at night time to poo). but they are 100% trained with the pee and are wearing underwear during the day. Lyla went through a little growth spurt this summer and is a good two inches taller than Ryan. They both started preschool this year and are loving it! It is just 2 hours twice a week at an in-home preschool down the street.
Our little one-year-old Zoey-Zo is just as sweet as can be! She says several words but "Hi!!" is her favorite. She is crawling and climbing everywhere, but still hasn't taken any steps and can't stand without holding on to something yet, but I know it's coming soon! She has 2 teeth, and LOVES mac&cheese.
That's all I can think of for now…enjoy the picture dump~

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