January 2019- we rang in the new year in St. George at Schramma and Schrammpa’s House. The Bartletts, and Ben/cal schramms were there too. We went swimming and hiking! Jared and I went to the temple and we renewed our Thanksgiving Point membership and had fun checking out the new Butterfly Biosphere. It snowed a little.
February 2019- The twins had their well child checkups. Lyla was 32 pounds and Ryan was 31 pounds. Lyla was two inches taller! Ryan and Zoey and Kyler all got sick. We went to St George again and I took a lot of pics for ALVABABY. We had a lot of fun play dates with friends and cousins. Oh and it snowed. A lot.
March 2019- Schrammparents came to us to visit. It snowed some more, but finally warmed up enough to play outside for a day or two. Then it snowed again. The twins both started speech therapy through Jordan School district. They are both just slightly delayed in Language Comprehension.
April 2019- we checked out the new park in our neighborhood. We planted a ton of new trees and got a trampoline and a playhouse! The twins had a science experiment day at preschool. We went to St. George for our spring break! The Bartletts were there too. We went to Sand Hollow and the twins had a crazy allergic reaction to the water. We attempted cute Easter pics at the temple but that was a flop haha. Ryan and Lyla both got a weird virus when we got home- fevers and lots of sleeping! Near the end of April we got to pick out our new golden doodle puppy!! We named him Tucker (and had no idea what we were about to get ourselves into haha). We went to temple square with uncle Ira and I took some pics for Jared’s new profile pic at work
May 2019- Me and my bestie Liana took our yearly friend pics with our babies! We started finishing our basement. We celebrated Mother’s Day with the Oakesons. Ambree is home from her mission in Canada! On May 15th we got to bring our new puppy, Tucker, home. I got a membership at Lifetime fitness and love it!! The twins finished 3 year old preschool and Kyler finished 2nd grade! We took some new family pictures and celebrated Mark and Shannon getting married!
June 2019- still chilly but we had enough warm days to go to the pool a few times. It finally sunk in how much of a handful Tucker is. We compared him a lot to Bauer and tucker just isn’t the same. Bauer was super easy to train and Tucker isn’t! At 12 weeks old he is still having multiple accidents a day and the biting and chewing (mostly on barbies) and barking is constant