It’s hard to believe it has only been 4 months since my last blog update. It feels like a lot longer with so many changes! We quarantined at home for two months!! Jared was the only one that left the house occasionally for a few essential food items. My first time to the store after being quarantined was bizarre seeing so few people, everyone in masks, floor markings in the store for people to stand on to stay a safe social distance, and plexiglass in front of all of the cashiers. We let the kids each pick a prize to celebrate being out of quarantine
. We went on a lot of “family runs” outside (even parks were closed
) and I did a lot of home workouts. We had “home church” every week and our neighbors, Stacey, and Kaitlyn often came over and joined us for the sacrament. Homeschooling Kyler was not fun, but we did it with mostly smiles all around. We did a lot of fun crafts and Jared and I stayed up late nearly every night playing Donkey Kong on our Nintendo Switch. During quarantine we also potty trained Zoey and officially took her binky away. She did great at both!
We had a great Easter at home and I even convinced the fam to dress up and snap some pics by the lake. In April we also hired a contractor to come and help finish our basement, but Jared did all of the framing, molding, door frames, closets and painting himself. It was a fun project to keep us entertained during quarantine. It’s done now and looks beautiful! Another project we did was painting the kids clubhouse to match our house. I love it.
Spring arrived during the Covid-19 chaos but it was just as beautiful as ever. I snapped some pics of the girls at the capitol and printed one on canvas for Lyla’s new room!
In the beginning of May a few businesses started to open back up but everything was just different in masks and limited numbers.
We had a great Easter at home and I even convinced the fam to dress up and snap some pics by the lake. In April we also hired a contractor to come and help finish our basement, but Jared did all of the framing, molding, door frames, closets and painting himself. It was a fun project to keep us entertained during quarantine. It’s done now and looks beautiful! Another project we did was painting the kids clubhouse to match our house. I love it.
Spring arrived during the Covid-19 chaos but it was just as beautiful as ever. I snapped some pics of the girls at the capitol and printed one on canvas for Lyla’s new room!
In the beginning of May a few businesses started to open back up but everything was just different in masks and limited numbers.
In June, Lyla started cheerleading and I hit my 50lb weight loss goal! We also started using our season passes at Lagoon and have been loving it! Also in June Zoey turned 3! She requested McDonald’s for dinner and an Ariel birthday cake. We had some cousins in town for Cousin Ambree’s wedding, and then more cousins the next week for my grandparents funeral. My granny and grandpa both passed away within an hour of each other. So, so sad, and we miss them so much, but also sweet that they went together.
In July we went to St George for my family reunion. We celebrated the 4th with them and had fun soaking in the sun and some family time for a week. When we got back home, my cousin Carolyn came and visited us and Kyler stayed with my parents and Cousin Rome in st George for another week. He had so much fun hiking and camping and fishing.
Currently we are averaging about 500 new covid cases per day in Utah, and as of right now, schools will open at the end of the month (kids will be required to attend in masks) and many families are choosing to do online school instead of in person this year. Jared is still working from home! Photos uploaded in reverse order: