In June we wrapped up the school year; we took a trip to the family cabin, the girls were flower girls at their cousin Kaeleigh’s wedding; celebrated Zoey’s 4th birthday….and…. We found out we are pregnant with our SECOND set of twins!! This was a planned pregnancy and we did NOT need fertility treatments this time
. Before our first ultrasound I was having a panic attack and worrying that there wouldn’t be a heartbeat. Then we saw TWO heartbeats and I was totally fine and Jared was the one panicking…6 kids! We are so excited and can’t wait to welcome these little ones to complete our family. It was fun telling our kids, and Zoey said she wants to name them Chip and Ariel.

July was a fun month spent relaxing by the pool and playing at Lagoon with friends and cousins! We did the early genetic testing and discovered we are expecting IDENTICAL TWIN BOYS!! We told the kids with my parents in st George and we are all just so excited!
In August the kids went back to school- Kyler is in 5th grade and the twins are in 1st and Zoey just started preschool 3 mornings a week. They love their teachers and their school. The kids gave talks in primary and Zoey’s obsession with paw patrol escalated after seeing the new paw patrol movie in theaters.
In September we took the kids on a Disney cruise to the Bahamas. It was such an incredible trip and we made so many fun new memories together. Grandpa Antczak moved into his new assisted living facility- it was time :/. We started to feel the babies kick from the outside in September and the kids love feeling my belly. Jared had a work trip to Pittsburgh and while he was gone, Zoey came down with a bad case of Croup. Then all of the other kids took turns getting croup and the stomach bug for the next two weeks and it was a miserable time.
In October we enjoyed GC at home, and the twins finally grew tall enough to ride the big rides at Lagoon- they loved it... I don't have time to finish up the month of October now, so I'll do that next time~