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October 2023-may 2024

13 October 2024

Oct 2023

I somehow was able to convince Jared to go to a murder mystery party with me (wayyy outside his comfort zone…right up there with karaoke haha) but it was fun! The kids had a great Halloween! Kyler (last minute) decided to rewear Jared’s costume from last year and be a coach. Lyla was Wednesday (we let her watch the kids version of the show 😆). Ryan was a blowup Dino but the costume was annoying so he too grabbed an old coach costume and called it good. Zoey was a cheetah and the twins were Slink (I ordered the hat from Etsy but made the rest 😆). 

November 2023
We celebrated Jared’s and Kyler’s birthdays! 40 and 13. Crazy that we have a teen now! We went on a Disney cruise to grand cayman, Cozumel, Jamaica and Bahamas and my parents came too and we all had a great time. The baby twins were at a hard age and hated the nursery on the ship and preferred us over grandparents so that was kinda hard. Oh and flying with 6 kids to get to the cruise ship was hard 😜 but it was all sooo worth it. So many incredible memories were made. We got home and decided that wasn’t enough travel so we drove to Texas and had Thanksgiving with the Roggia’s 😂. 

December 2023
Ryan and Lyla turned 9 and had a big birthday party at a trampoline park! The next day Connor and Mason turned 2 which still blows my mind. Christmas was great and I can’t even remember what everyone’s main gifts were and didn’t take very many photos that day oops. 

January 2024
Jared made another ice rink… and I asked him to put some blue dye in it but didn't specify how much (ooops 🫣). But luckily we had a milder winter this year and the rink didn’t last very long. 

February 2024
I was feeling great and got crafty. Embroidered the girls some valentines sweaters and threw a super-bowl party. Ryan lost his first tooth! 

March 2024
The weather started to warm up just in time for a March Easter! The girls and I got matching permanent jewelry and I’m still working with the YW at church and Jared is EQ prez still. 

In April 2024 I had a halo laser treatment done on my face and I hid at home for an entire week. We went to Omaha to the zoo and temple and Zoey lost her first tooth! 

In May 2024 we wrapped up the school year and kicked off summer! We went to the icecream capitol of the world with some friends, celebrated Mother’s Day, and the kids started building their first fairy garden. 

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