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Toddler Bed

15 July 2012

A few weeks ago, when Kyler discovered how to climb out of his crib, we converted his crib into a TODDLER bed.  The transition went a lot more smoothly than I thought it would!  I didn't want to make the transition until he was two years old, but hey, he will be two in a few months, and like Jared said-He was ready.  Here is his new big boy bed:
His room looks a little bare right now, because I moved most of his toys to the (hopefully) soon to be pre-school room!  I'm in planning mode right now, and if everything works out the way it's supposed to, I will have my preschool up and running by this fall.  SUPER exciting, as it's something I've been wanting to do for a long time.

I made these little silhouette pictures for over Kyler's bed this week. The frames were $1.50 each from Ikea, and the paper was practically free. I think they turned out pretty cute, if I do say so myself. haha 
In addition to Kyler transitioning to a big boy bed, he has also been growing big boy teeth this week. He now has 2 1/2 molars! I can't believe how fast they are coming in.


  1. I just got caught up on all your blog posts since I haven't been on forever! You and your family look like you're doing great! Keep posting and I can't wait to see/hear about your upcoming preschool!

    1. I just caught up on your blog too :) we will be in Utah near the end of next month. If we have time we want to come up to Rexburg! It would be nice to catch up with you and meet that cute baby of yours! (and see niko too of course). Miss you!

  2. Oh that would be great! Let me know if you do get a chance, I'm pretty sure you still have my number!


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