First of all, the DRIVE from UT TO NC was awesome! I can't believe how well behaved Kyler was! He throws a fit driving around town for a few minutes-but across the country? He was an angel. Most of the drive he spent playing with his feet. He has a weird toe fascination thing going on right now.
This week has been CRAZY busy for me. I started nannying a little 3 year old at my house 3 days a week, and I also started nannying another family (same as last year) with 3 kids-3 days a week (tutoring and driving them to their various activities) Plus I started teaching preschool on tues/thurs mornings too! The word busy is an understatement but I love it.
Kyler hasn't warmed up to me teaching preschool so far. He gets really possessive and jealous when I give another child attention- so it's really hard to teach right now. I was going to keep open enrollment for my class this year so that my class would grow and get bigger as the year went on, but now I am thinking that I wont do that. Kyler is just too young and making sure that his needs are met is my priority. I love that all my jobs allow me to be with my son all day long. Being a mom is the bestest job ever! It's hard work, don't get me wrong- but I love every minute of it and wouldn't trade my time with him for the world.
Tonight at our relief society meeting (women in my church) we had little mini classes on motherhood. I loved it and learned so much! We talked about patience and unconditional love. We talked relationship vs behavior, and how important it is to form a strong relationship with children while they are young and how good behavior will (most of the time) follow because of that attachment- children naturally want to please those that they love! We also talked about Christ and how He held the little children in His arms and how important it is for us as mothers to do the same for our children and to give them each that time, love, and attention.

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