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Pushing Pause

07 February 2013

I woke up this morning to a tap on my shoulder. I opened my eyes. Jared stood above me all dressed up for work in his suit and tie. So handsome! He kissed me goodbye, as he does every morning, and I drifted off to sleep for another 20 minutes until Kyler woke up. I got Kyler out of his room and sat with him on the couch. He jumped down, and ran to play with his balloons. I made breakfast- banana, yogurt, and toast. It's a typical morning. The weeks keep flying by, and my life right now is pretty chaotic. With all of the rushing around, I sometimes forget to stop and enjoy the good things, but in order to enjoy them, they first need to be identified. So I'm going to "push pause" and highlight a few of them:

  • This week I gave Kyler a huge container in the bathtub to put his toys in. He pretty much dumped all of his bathtub water onto the floor. While I was mopping up the water, Kyler had a blast with his bathtub markers. My bathroom floors are now sparkling clean. Now-onto the tub.
  • House hunting. Laugh all you want, but when Jared and I find a neighborhood we like, one of the first things we do is go shopping at the nearest Walmart. This way we can get a feel for the community. This cute little walmart got an A+ with excellent customer service, short lines, clean store and friendly shoppers :)

  • Pause- Spending time with friends. This cute pup. Three kids in a dog crate.

  • A typical view of Kyler in the backseat. Pause.
  •   Walking outside with Kyler at night is another moment I'm going to push pause on. He insists that the moon is a big balloon. 
  • I stepped out of the room for a moment to use the restroom, and came back to this: Kyler playing with all of my clean pots and pans on the floor and a bag of popcorn completely dumped out and everywhere! Stop. Pause. Take a pic, and maybe tomorrow it will be funny. Maybe.

  • After dinner is put away, family prayers are said, and Kyler is in bed. It's just me and Jared and the ice cream. The house is quiet and peaceful. Pause. Pause. Pause.

Take the time to pause and enjoy the little things you love!
"Enjoy your life for what it will become, but mostly for what it already is."- Gary Gzik

1 comment:

  1. Hey there!

    Just stopping by to say thanks for checking out my little ol blog -- yours is super fun and I followed back :)

    That first picture is just too stinkin' adorable!


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