Sorry I had to break the trip up into 2 post. Sometimes blogging takes a long time, and Kyler only naps for so long. haha I was just looking at my pictures, and they all look pretty much the same as my previous post. More pictures of Kyler flying his kite. I'm sure you won't find them as adorable or entertaining as I do, but I'm going to post another one anyways because I can!
He thought his kite was just as cool as a balloon (which is biiig for him) |
Our dog is a beach lover too |
I taught Kyler the art of beach combing this trip. I'm pretty sure most of his "treasures" looked like fossilized fish poo, but he thought it was fun.
My beach "treasures" on the left. Kyler's fish poop treasures on the right. |
On both Saturday and Sunday we got to watch General Conference! It was amazing. Seriously. If you missed out, you can still view it
In my family growing up,we had this tradition on Sundays, where the family would gather outside and eat FunDip together. Sometimes we would eat it on the front/back porch, other times we would enjoy it in our back yard up in the tree house that my dad and brothers built. I miss that tradition. Last Sunday, my mom brought FunDip to the beach, and we all enjoyed it on the back porch like the good old days.
Kyler approves of this tradition |
It was a good 4 day vacation but now we are back to real life, and I'm missing the beach. I keep having to remind myself that we will be going back to the beach again soon for a big Schramm Family Reunion in June, and maybe (hopefully) we can sneak another beach trip in before (or after) then too!
This trip looks like heaven!! So beautiful! And of course, Tyler is adorable!