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Twenty-Five years old

13 September 2013

Here's an email I received from my mom (she is in Chile...see her blog here) last week:

"I have already been wanting to wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  I know its not for a few days but I neverr know when we'll get internet and I wouldn't want to miss it. How about you take a photo every hour on the hour on your day and send it to me so I can share your birthday with you?"

annnnnnnnnnnnd..... Here is the picture she got. I wasn't very diligent with my picture taking duty. Ooops!

Jared had to go to class the night of my birthday, and I refused to let him skip just because it was my birthday so we're going to celebrate it this weekend! Also, poor Kyler has been having a hard time sleeping the past 2 weeks (night terrors? I guessed I bragged about how good of a sleeper he has always been too many times!) so that is why he wasn't napping at noon like normal and wasn't asleep by 9pm, and looks cranky in a few pictures.

1) Chick-fil-A sauce from my husband, because he was already at work by the time I woke up. He knows me too well!
2) Kyler wanted balloons for himself (not me).
3) Cranky non sleeping naked child.
4) Self explanatory
5) Finally dressed getting ready to take Ky to preschool
6) I had some friends over for a girls night. Kyler crashed it. haha. This was right before he grabbed the fingernail polish remover that my friend was using and dumped it all over his front. Awesome. It was a fun night though!

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