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I love this kind of family fun!

08 September 2013

On Saturday we went to the county fair! So fun. Kyler got to ride a Ferris wheel for the first time! He was a little scared at first...

...but by the end he loved it! Also notice he got a hair cut :)

Jared and I were wondering how much money the fair brought in...because seriously everything is so expensive at fairs...all of the food, rides, games, and admission and it was so crowded! We went to the Raleigh STATE fair last year (it brought in 2.6 MILLION). This little county fair was nowhere near the size of the Raleigh state fair, but I'm guessing it still made a lot.

Kyler loved going on the fire truck ride (I think I liked it more though).

A balloon game. Need I say more?

And what's a fair without cotton candy?
He snarfed it down. Literally.


  1. Mmmm, I love the fair! The Kansas State Fair is happening right now and we really need to make it up there. Great pictures! It looks like you had a lot of fun. :)

  2. Looks like you had so much fun! (:
    I love you're head band, do you mind if I ask where you got it?
    -Hannah Sue

  3. We try to go to every county fair that we can each year! I think we've already been to 4 this year. They are so much fun!

  4. Hannah, the headband is from Forever 21-love that store!
    Jenn, county fair hopping? What a brilliant idea!


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