Today my little boy turned THREE!!
My CAPTION: Kyler: "What?!?! I'm already three years old?!?"
What was actually being said:
Me: :"Hold up 3 fingers."
Kyler: "Huh mommy?"
My CAPTION: Kyler: "I'm this many years old."
What was actually being said:
Me: "Like this." (I show him)
Kyler: "I did it!"
My CAPTION: Kyler: "Raise your hand if today is your birthday!"
What was actually being said:
Me: "Good! Now raise them up in the air."
Kyler: (raises all of his fingers) "Okay!"
Me: (slaps my palm to forehead)
My CAPTION: Kyler: "I. Can't. Believe. I'm. Three."
What was really being said:
Kyler: "Brr cold! I go inside now. Bye mommy!"
My CAPTION: Kyler: "Don't even think about blowing out my candles."
What was actually being said:
Me: "Stand still!"
Kyler: "Wook! A spider! Ewww!"
Then I gave up, and don't even care that the last one is blurry.
What was actually being said:
Me: "Okay one more Kyler. Smile and I will give you a piece of candy!"
Kyler: "Okay!"
Dear Kyler,
Today you are three!
Today you are happy and always have giant smile glued to your face.
Today you are playful. You love wrestling with daddy and playing hide-and-seek as a family.
Today you are talking so much, and I think your pronunciation is adorable with words like: "butt cake" for cupcake, and "swim soup" for swim suit.
Today you are independent. You like to put your clothes and shoes on by yourself, and we often hear you say "My turn. I do it."
Today you are cheerful and wake us up every morning by running into our room saying "HI MOMMY! HI DADDY!" while grinning from ear to ear.
Today you are a balloon lover.
Today you are the boss. You love telling people (and our dog) what to do, and you like to remind us to say family prayers, read scriptures together, and to take you places, like the park- or where ever you want to go.
Today you are learning. Learning how to speak in complete sentences, learning which letters are which, and learning how to count too. You love learning, and tell me everyday that "Preschool is fun!"
Today you are goofy, and are constantly making us laugh.
Today you are still our baby, and we love you!

What a cutie! Happy Birthday Kyler!
ReplyDeleteI love your fake captions and what is actually happening in real life! This is such a perfect picture of blogging! And raising children!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your three year old!