Today is December 4, 2013, and today is also the day that I had a HSG test/procedure (aka Hysterosalpingogram) performed. The HSG test is basically where they inject dye into your uterus and take x-rays to make sure that your fallopian tubes are opened. It is usually one of the first tests doctors recommend when a couple hasn't conceived after a year (or more in our case) of trying. HSG tests are performed in the hospital here...which makes them seem more complex/intense than they actually are.
I wanted to take a picture to document today...but wasn't quite sure what to take a picture of...awkard |
I read online that the this procedure can be painful, so I took ibuprofen before (which ended up not helping at all). The pain was excruciating!! It was almost like labor. Not to scare anyone that has to have this test done, but I was bawling my eyes out- it hurt that bad. I thought that the pain meant that my tubes were blocked....buuuut....
I received great news! I don't have any blockage, and I have good structure/shape. Yay! My OB said my chances of getting pregnant this month (and the next one) go up because of the dye clearing my pathways (whatever that means). Let's hope that this, plus the extra help of Clomid, works for us this month, because this boy wants to be a big brother!
(current day char here...I decided to copy and paste two entries today...your welcome for not leaving you hanging ;)
Today is December 18, 2013- I didn't get a single positive OPK this month...which obviously means I'm not going to get a positive pregnancy test next week. I'm doing my best to stay positive. I have a lot to be thankful for, despite what I think I am lacking. I know our time will come someday, until then, I will be patient....and think positive thoughts...cheesy Pinterest humor helps :D
More Clomid next month- hey...the third times a charm, right?!