I've been trying to sit down with Kyler everyday to teach him preschool, since he isn't attending one currently. We mostly just review letters, counting, days of the week etc. It doesn't happen everyday, but I'm okay with that! He's three and learns mostly through play anyway. Occasionally, we go to Chalk Preschool online (google it- it's free and pretty cool) and we do their little lessons, songs and art activities. This one was painting with apples:
We went to the aquarium in the mall again with some friends a week or so ago. They have a "toddler tuesdays" special, and the pricing isn't bad at all!
Have you seen Meet the Mormons in theaters? We saw it and it was great! One of our family friends from Georgia was in it, so it was neat seeing her and her fam on the big screen. I love this music video they showed at the end :)
My brother and his wife came to visit us from Utah! My niece, Charley, got her ears pierced. She was so brave... love her face in this pic:
Kyler loved having cousins to play with all weekend:
He also loved having an uncle to rough house with:
Aunt Meredith painted some nursery furniture for me while she was here. My good friend practically gave us a few pieces that she was done with (She bought them from the ikea in France and had them shipped here last year). I love the furniture! So I tried to buy a matching crib at the ikea here in Charlotte, but the colors here don't match the colors in France...so a little white paint fixed the problem!
...and after we painted them we realized that the American crib is much bigger than the one from France haha oh well I still love them, and can't wait to get the twin's nursery put together!
Last Sunday was my niece, Little Miss Andie's, baby blessing:
Also last weekend, we were able to go to the Carolina Balloon Fest! It was such a fun experience. We went mostly for Kyler, but Jared and I ended up loving it as well! We got in for free, and they had free bouncy houses for the kids, and other fair activities like face painting and little games, and tons of food- so fun! But obviously, Kyler's favorite part was the hot air balloons:
Kyler was slightly scared that the balloons they were inflating were going to tip over and pop (can't blame him, that would be a very loud pop)!
There were probably 50 or so hot air balloons that lit up at night- so cool to watch!
iMovie created this cute little video from all of the random clips I had on my computer from the past few months...love it!